Last wednesday scouts do open burning!!! (actually is cooking things.....) whole shirt smell like smoke... lucky no 1 asked why. 2day.. drank malta.... talk to my bro, he ask me you start drinking edi??? lol.
Very long din update edi....I wanna pawn noobs....Exam coming close!!!!
I dun really care!!! HahaThis is wat happens when an idiot meets another and another
I: Oi, wat you drawing ah?
YL: Dunno see ah?
I: OH!!! i noe!! cow rite?
YL: looks like cow to u izit?
I: looks like a REALLY HORNY COW to me....
YL:(getting pissed of)
I: why the hell you drawing a horny cow?
YL:(getting seriously pissed)
I: oh... i noe edi!!! its those cows which dies in the dessert and leave behind oni he skull rite?
*'A' (aka silicon) comes into the room
I: OMG!!! silicon tan chuee chwee came!!!!
YL: plays a scary music
A: aiya... gettingboring edi la tat music... everytime i come into this room sure hear you play tat song 1
A: OMG YL,! wat the hell is tat???
I: looks like a cow rite?
YL: (getting pissed again)
A: no lah... dont look like it
I: eh, sry it looks like those cows which dies in the dessert and leave behind oni he skull rite?
A: AH!!!! yea la
YL: aiya dun wan draw edi la!!
*teacher comes into class
Teacher: YL buat apa ni??
I: eh, cikgu tengok apa YL lukis
Teacher: aiya, semacam budak tahun 2 lukis
YL: bukanlah cikgu, macam budak tahun 3 lukis punya.
I: Mana ada la
A: ya la
Teacher: saya punya nephew tahun 3 lukis macam itu
I: wa.... YL kalah kepada budak tahun tiga....
A: Haha
Teacher: eh , J, lukisan ini macam lukisan budak tahun 3 tak?
J: hah?
YL: eh, cikg janganlah
*grabs the scrapbook bak
I and A: HAHA!!!
half an hour later.....
I: eh, continuing??
YL: yeap.
5 mins passed
I: wa.. very nice la!!!
YL: silence
I: ur horny dead cow which dies in the dessert and leaves bhind its skull grew wings!!!
YL: (smacks forehead) ITS A FREAKING DRAGON!!! Akh!!!! frothes frm mouth ...........silence..........
I: is YL dead?
A: hopefully!!