Looks like all my errands here done.... I dlled so many games till hard disk full..... lol. Did some last minute dll for edmund b4 i finnaly take this laptop of this desk. Flying 4 home tomorrow..... And sis coming back 5 days after..... with my chocolates ^^ haha. Sry but no souveniers for you..... couldnt get any. hehe. Miss my pc damn much... =.= so sry for abandonning you for 2 weeks+ a bit.... dun get mad..... (btw, thx for fixing my comp again Jeff) Hope my mother din mess with the programs..... *special permission to my mother for using it. Bt just this time!!! haha. Miss the weather and whoever's reading this too. * hope you're nt stanger!!! wonder when pc fair ends.... wanna go check it out.... i never been to one b4...... hehe. Wonder if my dog is still alive...... AND, 2mrws dinner? definately bah kut teh... Haha
And..... MY pC comng bak LatER!!!!!! yay ^^ this time lazy to fix myself so call the man there pasang 4 me. ytd went there the shop closed T.T but...... service centre open... haha luckily i made a slave out of sam. *carry my cpu all the way up, 2 day, cary all the way down. (his accomodation fees for staying at my hse ^^. in a while goin to kl again. I'll be slaving sam around again. haha.
2 day come bak frm scul early.... counted as ponteng..... sumhow..... lol. bt din get in trouble sam almost kena ban frm scul. Haha. BAN!! wee, jerard oso coming =) dunno if ter wan come or nt..... bt car no space edi.... bhind oni can sit.. bt long journey uncomfortable...... haha and sumore those seats for my darling computer..... =.=
mommy call me buy modem for her... so can stop stealing wee's line haha
ltr vee veen fetching me bak frm class.... just gt his P so very happy... bt den.... pls dun crash us T.T i PMR just over let me enjoy abit 1st la..... haha
1 more thing...... form 3 over pmr all lazy update.... haha
Im human, live on E-arth. Very warm, humid and have equal amounts of land and water. I live on land. small place called Malaysia. The rest is down there